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Don¡¯t close your eyes, tonight de John Denver


Don¡¯t close your eyes, tonight (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

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This song appears on two albums, and was first released on the dreamland express album, and has also been released on the the country roads collection album.

there¯s a tenderness that i feel, it¯s very real you see
i can feel your body stir so deep within
let it be an out of love tonight completely
and let me ask of you one thing

don¯t close your eyes tonight
just look at me and see how many times i cried for you
don¯t close your eyes tonight
let it be me, not just a fantasy
let it be me tonight

well you can lie so close to someone and still feel alone
and though i heard you say you loved me so many times
while you give me love so beautiful and tender
someone else is in your mind

don¯t close your eyes tonight
just look at me and see how many times i cried for you
don¯t close your eyes tonight
let it be me, not just a fantasy
let it be me tonight

sorry if i cry - feelings run so deep
many is a time when i¯ll wake up and find
that i¯m crying in my sleep
look me in the eye, tell me what you see
i¯m the one who loves you, i¯m the one who needs you
make this one for me

don¯t close youe eyes tonight
just look at me and see how many times i cried for you
don¯t close your eyes tonight
let it be me, not just a fantasy
let it be me tonight

words and music by richard kerr and frank musker

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